Friday, June 13, 2008


John, from his computer across the room: Marsh, you have to get back to getting your stuff out there.

For a moment I thought he was looking at a budget sheet or something. I considered reminding him that most of the stuff I'm writing will pay for a happy meal and a toy, and that won't change for a while.

But actually he was reading a critters (online critique group) story. "A line edit wouldn't really turn up much, but..." There are a whole lot of folks out there writing perfectly grammatical sentences, but they have no spark, no soul, no... reason to read them. (And how on earth do you say THAT in a critique, by the way? No grammatical errors, man, but I really don't care about the characters or what happens to them or really anything about this story.) This is why he wants me sending more work out. John thinks the world needs MY stories.

Obligatory aw-shucks aside, having one's partner get one's work -- GET it, really get it -- and think it is what the world needs... I can't imagine being richer than this.

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